Dog Hikes & Care
Walkabout Dogs provides regular adventure hikes and special care services in the greater Boston & Metrowest areas

Providing Sniff-worthy Adventures for Your Fur Children
If you’ve ever loved a dog, you know that they thrive with regular exercise, a “job” to perform, and the opportunity to socialize off leash. Putting your animal in that super satisfied post-adventure trance makes us just about as happy as it will make you! Happy, well exercised dogs are the best dogs!
Ask us about our key services:
- Off-Leash and On-Leash Options
- Adventure Hikes
- Training
- Boarding
- Photography

Give Yourself AND Your Dog the Gift of Great Excersise
Your dog will have a blast joining Team Captain, Ona, the Rhodesian Ridgeback and our motley crew of assorted K-9 varieties on regular excursions to local destinations. We go to pretty much anywhere that dogs are permitted from the forests of Concord/ Framingham/ Dover and other places in the Metro West.
We also visit farms land in Wayland, State parks, wherever our adventures take us that dogs are permitted off leash!
Our Dog Chief, Tony, looks to his crew daily and challenges them to go where they go!